Category Archives: Health

SAND: Surfing for LIFE

Keri Algar

Kirra Murphy having a blast with Rabbit

The local surf community went all out on April 18th for SAND’s (Surfers Against Nature’s Destruction) learn to surf day for over 20 kids with cancer and their families from Camp Quality.

Greenmount provided the perfect playground for the kids to be pushed onto waves and it was all hands on deck with what turned out to be a start studded affair.

Kelly Slater, Steph Gilmore, Rasta, Luke Munro, Luke Egan, Rabbit, Wayne Dean, iron woman Hayley Bateup and stand up paddler Jamie Mitchell joined ranks with the SAND volunteers crew to happily commandeer the sheltered end of the beach. The kids had the time of their lives and wiping out never looked like so much fun!

“We had a ball. There was an unbelievable vibe and enthusiasm in the water… I wish every surf could be this fun,” said Luke Munro.

Winning smiles from Safron and Steph

The kids were in varying levels of cancer treatment and health, with some little ones looking particularly frail. But as the SAND crew supported their efforts in the water the laughter was non-stop and it was clear that the kids were feeling on top of the world.

 The kids weren’t the only ones frothing; SAND’s volunteers were just as stoked. Mason Marshall was buzzing off of Rasta.

“I think Rasta had too much lemonade before the surf because he was high fiving me, always telling me what a great wave I had, just didn’t stop talking,” said Mason, whose 11 year old brother Morgan, has leukaemia.

Their parents were equally wrapped.

“Days like these are not only good for the diagnosed children and their siblings, the Mums and Dads also get a great hit of much needed feel good and spirit lifting,” said Scott Marshall.

Rasta's vibe

“If we could put the day in a bottle and serve it up to the kids daily, they’d be better in no time,” Scott adds, giving credence to the idea, and Camp Quality’s motto, that laughter is the best medicine.

“What this will do for their spirits and minds is priceless. This happiness grows momentum and their smiles get bigger every time they think of it,” said Scott.

SAND handed over a cheque to Camp Quality for $8,500 raised at the Denis Callinan Memorial Golf Day in January. SAND has collectively donated over $49,000 for Camp Quality over the last four years.

A massive thanks goes out to all people who made the beautiful day possible: Walk on Water surf school who donated time, boards and instructors on a Sunday, the surfers, SAND Sippas, friends and supporters who continually give so much in the spirit of Denis Callinan.

Some beach fun before the water



SAND crew H and Rabs

Star studded...mmm, or star stud?


Keri, Wayne and Luke

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It takes more than fish to keep the ticker going

Helpfulness: Physical as well as mental exercise is essential for a healthy brain.

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