Unstuck Travel

Hello! Thanks for checking us out!

We want to inspire your travel.

Join us as we try to figure out how to survive in the world by doing what we love: travelling, writing, learning, surfing, sailing…

Sometimes it’s a bit tricky.

Just the other day someone called us dreamers. Secretly though we loved that.

We also hope to inform and enlighten people about how others live around the world, to foster understanding and empathy globally.

Who are we?

We’re Keri and Imo, two Kiwi lasses who met in 2006 whilst working as guides at Kaiteriteri Kayaks in New Zealand. Straight away we found a common interest in wining and dining two gorgeous Argentine backpackers. Yum.

The following year our friendship was cemented in a year long trip through South America.

We bought a couple of horses and galloped about Salta in Argentina, acted like pro hoes at the Arica Rip Curl Pro Search and got very lost from Lobitos to Iquitos, Peru.

By 2008 ‘real life’ called us back to pitching a white picket fence – as it does, right? But four years later the picket fence was still unpainted.

Hey, we’re square pegs in round holes and so we nicked out through the backdoor and onto the road again.

It’s a simple idea: do what you want to do.

It’s not always easy.

To make ends meet in our two decades of combined travels we have collected eggs in chicken sheds, picked apples, swam with seals, hiked glaciers, worked with troubled youths, taught windsurfing, Spanish, French and scuba; we’ve sold croissants and roses door to door, made beds, managed cellar doors, waitressed and ski patrolled. Imo’s a cellar door manger and Keri is a journalist.

But what can we say, whether it’s small town NZ or megalomaniac Sydney, we’ve realised that for us, life is better experienced unstuck and on the road.

As a journalist Keri has learned that for her the ‘truth’ is a matter of perspective and the more you have the closer you will be to understanding it. Travelling affords first hand insight to varied and legitimate cultures – a kaleidoscope of perspectives – to help us understand the world we live in and perhaps, even, our place in it.

Imogen takes life as it comes, fueling her wander-lust with hard work along the way. She believes that life is enriched by the people in it and the lessons learned through shared experiences, interaction and bloody good yarns. Imo enjoys being humbled and awestruck by stories, situations and stunning panoramas that she encounters on her path. Often, all it takes is a smile.

We hope to offer you an unconventional look at life on the road. So to keep in touch just pop your email address into the box below…

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